My boobs were my tools of the trade for almost 20 months.

Once my youngest daughter weaned herself from the Magical Boob Juice, the fun really began!

(And by fun we all know I mean chaos!)

Pull up a chair, sit a while, read a few pages.

Keep and open mind and a joyful heart and you too can get pumped into the world of The Milk Maid.


A Few Pics

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Chaos Ensues
(L-R: Muffin, Ava, My Mudder, Gidget)

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"No diaper, no diaper, no diaper!"

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"That's mine Faith!"

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Bit o' Baby Smackdown
(My Mudder lets Faith have a sippy at her house. Ava asserts her dominance over 'seestar')

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Nice Perfume
(Buster the Weener & Prissy, Mother of all Gatos)

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Murray's New Do
(He used to look so much bigger)

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"Well no, there is nothing in my closet that fits anymore, thank you!"
(Sad but true, she's grown 3 inches and 2 sizes over the past year)

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Ready to surf!
(Hang 10... as soon as we get that balance thing down)


Michelle said...

Oh my gosh, this is going to sound so funny..but I have told Nick this...I love seeing naked baby butts!!!! LOL! They are so cute, and chubby and little! I love it. In Italy, you could go to the beach topless, but the children and babies were always naked. I loved seeing the naked baby's butts covered in sand. I know....Im weird. LOL!!!!

Supermom said...

Ahh, Such cuties, both of them. I see what you mean about "that look" Faith looks like she is just waiting for you to turn your back. watch out mom!!

Unknown said...

I love the pic's and the captions are priceless!

B said...

Way too cute!


Anonymous said...

Michelle is not alone...naked baby butts are cute =) Thanks for posting the pics! It's so great to see your girls. They are both so beautiful!

Estella's Mom said...

Great pictures. Faith looks so much like you. I agree with Michelle. Baby butts are too cute. I'm always squeezing Estella's little cheekies.