My boobs were my tools of the trade for almost 20 months.

Once my youngest daughter weaned herself from the Magical Boob Juice, the fun really began!

(And by fun we all know I mean chaos!)

Pull up a chair, sit a while, read a few pages.

Keep and open mind and a joyful heart and you too can get pumped into the world of The Milk Maid.


Monday, Monday

My aunt saved my life today. Ok, not really my life- but what a catchy first sentence huh? She actually just fed me really well (deviled egg sandwich) and baked a chocolate pie just for ME... and happened to have some kickass antibiotics that she wasn't using. I don't normally borrow meds from people, but the crap my doc called in (all 3 days worth) was as useful as a bicycling fish. I have been in constant pain and bladder-spasm all weekend. I took one borrowed pill this morning, and I am almost symptom free. Hurrah!

Now that we're all current on the strategic maneuvers of my plumbing, let's talk about skinny people who have liposuction. I was watching Dr. 90210 and this SIZE ZERO beeyotch was having lipo. Because she was "SoooOOOoo fat". I wanted to write her a letter and inform her that a manners class would have been a better investment, long with a grammar lesson. Then I wanted to smack the crap out of beeyotch and yell, "Eat some solid food you whore!".

But I digress!

--The Milk Maid is not lactivist intolerant


B said...

Hmmm...feeling a bit angry? : ) So am I : ) This is my usual candy snack time..and I'm jonesing to hit the gift shop (vending machine downstairs) for a snickers bar. I'm glad your aunt had some good drugs for you, and that you're feeling better.

Supermom said...

Hey there, I can't stand to watch that show! Those people are FREAKS! Glad you were well fed. that all sounds really good. What is the difference between an egg salad sandwich and a deviled egg sandwich? Or is it just the name?

B said...

Egg salad sandwich sounds really good! Crap, i'm hungry!

The Milk Maid said...

Deviled egg sammies are made pretty much like deviled eggs- mayo, mustard, salt, pepper. I guess that's egg salad, but just always called it deviled egg. My grandmother used to make them for me when I was a kid, so nostalgic food is a very good thing for the soul!

Supermom said...

I add all that plus a little garlic powder. yummy. now I want to go make some.

kittenroar5 said...

let's hunt her down and force feed her dollar store ho hos. or something equally mean.

and can i come eat at your house?

Anonymous said...

It must be the day for comfort food because guess what I had tonight! That's right, barbecue chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn! It has just been that kind of weekend, week, and even month.

I'm not usually a hostile person, either, but skinny people who complain about being fat truly make me want to punch them. Truly.

battynurse said...

The deviled egg sandwich sounds good. I was at the grocery store and say a tray of deviled eggs and that made me crave them, then you start posting about deviled egg sandwiches.
Now for the nurse in me. Borrowing antibiotics is not a great thing although I do understand your motivation, being in pain sucks and you do need to kick the infection. I am confused as to why your doctor who prescribed antibiotics for a UTI only gave you 3 days worth (7-10 sounds normal) as if you don't take the right antibiotic long enough it just makes stronger bacteria. If you don't get relief in a few days I would say go see a doc again, they may need to do a culture/sensitivity to see what antibiotic the bacteria is susceptible to. Good luck and feel better.

B said...


Awwww Mom, everyone's doing it.

battynurse said...

ok B, even I have shared meds (ask Meg) but the antibiotics part scares me. It's that whole microbiology stuff we have to learn.

The Milk Maid said...

The 3 days part confuses me too for the meds Michell-- I usually get a weeks worth for the once in a blue moon uti I get... but my doc is a dork apparantly. If I'd not taken this kind/strength I'd have prob passed on them. If I'm not much improved by tomorrow morn I'm going somewhere and someone is going to fix my itchy bladder!!

Yeah- if you look at the time stamp on this it's 1am, the burning is back, and I can't freakin sleep. Arrgh!

battynurse said...

I'm sorry you can't sleep Aradia. That always sucks and it's even worse when you can't sleep because of being uncomfortable. I hope it goes away. The only antibiotic I can think of that is a short term antibiotic I think is a 5 day pack and it's usually used for upper respiratory stuff I think. Whatever you get or take, I hope it works soon.

B said...

shhhhh, milkmaid is sleeping. i hear she was up all night.

B said...

shhhhh, milkmaid is sleeping. i hear she was up all night.